Isn't she just the cutest baby girl ever! I can't believe she is half a year old already. It is going by way too fast. She has started wearing her hair in ponytails, pigtails. All thanks to daycare though. They have started putting her hair up, it looks really cute but I haven't done it myself yet. Andrey is in between 3-6 months and 6-9 month clothes. I feel like once she finally fit into the 3-6 month she was outgrowing it already. She has officially moved up to size 3 diapers. She is wearing her first pair of shoes, boots actually that are a size 2, but still pretty big on her.
She is eating a 6 oz(3 breastmilk 3 formula) bottle every 3-4 hrs during the day and has one bottle during the night. She is eating some solid foods for dinner. So far she has had oatmeal, peas and carrots. She is eating it all really well.
She gets up at 630 for daycare. Sometimes she wakes up on her own, other times Paul needs to wake her. Sometimes on the weekend we get lucky and she'll sleep in until 730 or so. She seems to be down to just 2 naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. She doesn't seem to need that last little nap before bed anymore. She goes to bed at 730 and usually sleeps until 4am before wanting to eat. She will sometimes sleep all night. She seems to do it at least once a week. We had one week where she did it 6 nights straight. I thought we had turned a corner but then we were back to her getting up once. She's definitely getting to the point of sleeping all night but I'm tired of her teasing me all the time.
She is at a stage where she is just so fun to play with. She gets the biggest smiles and laughs at you, especially Colin. She loves to watch Colin, no matter what he is doing. Everything he does is so interesting to her. She is also really starting to love Simba. She gets so excited when he comes over and licks her. She absolutely loves her jumperoo. She would be happy in that all day if you let her. Of course we don't let her stay in it all day. However, you take her out and hold her and all she wants to do in your arms is jump, jump, and jump some more. She sits by herself just fine now, she'll only fall over if she reaches too far for something. She loves to sit on the floor and play with her toys. She is starting to stand up better and will stand up to the leap frog music table with some help. She is perfectly happy playing by herself for quite awhile. I don't know if it is because she is a 2nd child and she had to get used to it or what but it is definitely nice when we have such a needy toddler.
She is still a very content baby. She still only cries if she is tired or hungry. The other day I pulled up to daycare and thought I heard her crying as I walked by her room to go get Colin. I wondered to myself if I knew her cry and though that if when I went in her room to get her if she was drinking a bottle then I would know that it was her crying. And I was right, she was drinking a bottle, I recognized her cry, and the only reason she was crying was because she was hungry.
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