Audrey is now 7 months old! It just keeps going way too fast. The biggest change this month is that Audrey has her 2 bottom front teeth coming in. She's not liking it very much. However, she has also gotten sick this week so it's hard to tell which she's fussy about. My normally "never fussy" baby has been making up for it big time this week.
Audrey slept through the night about half the time this month. She's been getting better at it. However, she went 2 weeks of sleeping all night and then she got sick, so we'll see how it goes once she feels better. She is down to usually taking 2 naps a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Sometimes she needs a little one in the evening depending on how long the others were. The last couple of days she has been sleeping on her stomach. I don't know yet if it is a permanent change or just a phase.
She's been enjoying trying new foods. She is up to: rice cereal, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, apples, and green beans. We are just starting to add a second meal to the day. She still takes a bottle every 3-4 hrs and one before bedtime.
She has become mobile this month. If I set her down on the floor she will tip over onto her stomach and roll all over the room. She turns in all directions and rolls to get her toys. She hasn't gotten up on her knees yet but she is definitely motivated to move.
She likes playing with new things. She seems to get bored with toys really easily. She keeps wanting something new all of the time. At least she has an older brother with lots of toys she can choose from. She likes standing up and spends a lot of time at the leap frog table. She still likes her jumperoo but I can tell she's starting to get tired of it.
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