Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Colin

Last Saturday, the 17th, was Colin's 3rd birthday. All week he knew that his birthday was coming and he was going to be 3. However, it took him a couple of days to get it that he was 3 now. When you asked him before his birthday how old he was he would say "I'm 2, almost 3." Then on his birthday, and for a few days after, he would say the same thing. I couldn't get him to understand that he was actually 3. He does now though. We asked him what he wanted for his birthday and all he would say was that he wanted a Cars cake. He never mentioned any presents, just the cake. So we of course made him one.
I also made him a Cars birthday shirt
We decorated in a Cars theme
Eliana(and Tara and Ben) came over to celebrate with us
Colin opened presents
And Audrey helped
We sang Happy Birthday, blew out candles, and had cake The next day we all headed to the park to have a picnic and play with some new toys.
Colin had his 3 year dr's appointment this week. He is 29 1/2 lbs and 35 1/2 inches tall. He is still small for his age, about the 15th percentile for everything. He had a hearing and vision test and passed both.

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