May 12th, it has been one month since Audrey was born. It sure has been a crazy month. Audrey weighs around 8 lbs. That is taken by putting her on the scale with me, she won't have another dr's appointment and get officially weighed until 2 months. She takes a bottle well every couple of days and usually takes 3 1/2 oz in it. She breastfeeds and eats every 3-4 hrs day and night.
She started out sleeping better than she is now. The last couple of nights she has gotten up 3 times each and has stayed up for 2 hrs at one of those times. This is being up WAY more than I would like. How come I always get the babies that don't sleep!? Audrey's daytime routine right now is wake up, eat, play and be awake for about 1 1/2 hrs and then sleep until the next feeding which is 3-4 hrs from the start of the last. She takes her naps in the crib and sleeps well in there. I can put her down awake and she will fall asleep on her own, almost all the time. If she had gotten overtired then she isn't able to get herself to sleep and needs my help.
She seems to do fine with tummy time. She just lays on her belly and seems to like it. She will lift up her head and look around when she is doing inclined tummy time on me. She doesn't really do it yet when she is flat on her stomach. She really likes to be held and likes being upright so she can look around. When you hold her up to your shoulder her head is turning from side to side looking all around. She is back and forth on whether or not she likes the play mat, swing, and bouncer. Some times she does well in them and seems to enjoy them, other times she wants nothing to do with them and wants to be held. It is kind of the same with the pacifier. Sometimes it works, sometimes she wants nothing to do with it. She really likes her rattles and will track back and forth as you play with them with her. She likes "the itsy bitsy spider" also. Bath time has gotten better. It has gone from a screaming fest to her actually enjoying being in the water.
She is still wearing newborn diapers and mostly newborn clothes but is definitely growing out of both. We will be done with newborn diapers after this pack and have started packing away some of her newborn clothes. She still fits in the onesies okay but the sleepers are short on her legs and some of the pants are tight around her waist.
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