(or....she was 3 months on Monday, takes me awhile to get the post up sometimes)
I don't want her to be 3 months. First, because she is growing WAY too fast. Second, because it means I am going back to work. I go back to work tomorrow. I'm not ready for it.
Audrey is continuing to grow and grow and I think she's turning into a little chunker. Her weight is about 11lbs but that is just by me weighing her on our scale at home. She won't have another dr's appointment until next month.
She is wearing 0-3 month and 3 months clothes. I haven't taken out any of the 3-6 months yet, I am not ready for those to start fitting. She is growing out of a few of the 0-3 things but I think she's still got a decent amount of time in most of it. She is in 1-2 size diapers. However, I don't think they fit the greatest. I think she needs to move up to size 2. We have quite a few explosions but I can't bring myself to waste all the size 1-2 that we have. We'll be switching soon though.
She is eating every 3 hrs during the day. It's almost always 3. She doesn't ever need to eat sooner than that anymore but she will sleep through a feeding and go longer sometimes. She has taken 5 oz the last few times she has had a bottle. I think we'll be sending about 5 in the bottles to daycare.
She goes down for her naps really well. You can tell when she gets tired, it's one of the only times she gets fussy. And she'll rub her eyes. It is still usually about 1 1/2 to 2 hrs after she gets up. I put her in her crib, still swaddling her, and she falls right to sleep on her own. She sometimes has a tough time falling asleep if she is still out and in her bouncer or being held though. She'll fall asleep in her swing or carseat really well though. She doesn't take the longest naps, and they're still really inconsistent. Sometimes she'll sleep 20 minutes, sometimes 2 1/2 hrs. She usually takes 3 naps a day but still needs a cat nap between her 5pm and 8pm feeding. She doesn't quite make it the whole time.
Her nighttime sleeping has continued to get better. She eats the last time between 8-9pm and then goes to bed at 9 almost every night. Nighttime is 11-12 hrs so she gets up for the day between 8-9. Her longest stretch at night now has been 8 1/2 hrs. She often does 8ish hrs and only gets up once. However, it is still really inconsistent. She will do that for a few nights and then go back to 5-6hrs and getting up twice. The really nice thing is that when she gets up she only eats for about 6ish minutes and is right back to bed. I am only up 15 minutes between a diaper change, feeding, and burping. So it definitely is getting better and I am thankful for that. I hope she sticks to that 8ish hours when I start work!
She is getting so much more alert. She loves looking around at everything. She smiles and coos at us nonstop. Although I think the one that gets the most smiles/coos is her fan in her room. She is completely in love with that fan and just smiles away at it the whole time we're doing diaper changes. She is getting better at tummy time. We've really been working on it a lot lately. She lifts up her head and looks around some but doesn't yet push up with her arms. I am cheating though and most(but not all) of our tummy time is on the boppy. She is starting to really bat at things with her arms. She'll hit the bird on the bouncer or the toys in the play mat. She can entertain herself for quite awhile with those. She is really good now about not always needing to be held. She is pretty happy in the swing or bouncer or play mat. It takes quite awhile before she gets bored and wants attention. She also loves being outside. She is so happy when we're out in the fresh air.
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