Two months! Didn't I just write the "1 month" post yesterday!? Audrey had her 2 month checkup at the Dr's this week. We went at 8pm on a Monday night. That was different but we kind of liked it. There was almost no one else there. We ended up not getting her shots because we are traveling this week. The Dr said she wouldn't be immunized quickly enough anyways and no sense in risking a fever or fussy baby for the trip. This sounded like a good idea for us.
Weight: 10lbs 1oz(I can't really tell what the chart says, between 25th-50th percentile)
Height: 21.8 inches (I lost the percentile sheet for her height)
Head: 15.2 inches, about 50th percentile
Audrey seems like she is so much bigger. She has gained just over 3 lbs since birth, but it seems like so much.
She is out of newborn clothes and now wears 0-3 and a couple 3 month things. She is wearing size 1 pampers or size 1-2 huggies. She is quickly growing out of the pampers but I am hoping to finish the box.
She is still eating every 3 hrs during the day. She sometimes will push it to 4 but sometimes she'll want to eat sooner than 3. It is usually right about 3 though. She is staying awake longer during the day too, especially in the evenings. Some days she will stay awake for 2 hrs at a time each time and then at night she will go through a couple of feedings with just a little cat nap. However, this isn't completely consistent yet and some days she sleeps a lot more.
Audrey goes to bed between 9-11pm. She is going one long stretch between feedings at night that has been up to 6 hrs and as much as 5 hrs of sleep(for me too). This has been nice and I hope this stretch keeps getting longer. After that first one she will get up after 3-4hrs. Nighttime is around 10-11 hrs so she gets up between 8-10am. She hasn't been very consistent with this yet. It is hard to keep consistent right now too because we just got back from NY. We are just trying to get back onto a routine.
She is taking a bottle really well and has even taken straight formula a couple of times. She doesn't seem to really care what is in it. When we went to NY she stayed with grandma overnight and took a bottle for all her feedings. It went really well.
She still will only sleep on an incline. The crib mattress is propped up. She had to sleep in the carseat when we got stuck in a Detroit hotel while travelling and we propped up the pack n play in NY.
She really likes the swing and is liking the bouncer more. We used a swing quite a bit while in NY. She has been doing better about being down alone and not being held all the time.
When she is held she prefers to be upright. She likes to look around. She is also getting really wiggly. She squirms all over while you hold her and when I am trying to feed her. Tummy time still isn't very successful. She just lays there and doesn't try to push up with her arms at all. She will lift her head some though.
Audrey went on two vacations this month. She took her first road Moab. We did some hiking there and she got used to being in the Ergo carrier. She then took her first airplane ride to NY to visit family. She did pretty well on the airplane.
Colin wanted his picture taken in the chair too
(I started this post on the 12th, when she turned 2 months. However, we were away that day so I didn't get the picture taken or the post finished until we got back)
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