Here is my post about our flight to NY.
We are back in Utah so we successfully made it to NY and back. However, it was a crazy trip. I am going to break it up into a few posts because I have so many pictures and videos to put up. This post will be about the trip there. It started out on Wednesday morning at about 7am when the kids got up. We got them up, breakfast, we got showers, they each got baths, and we loaded the car. Our goal was to leave the house at 9am for an 11am flight. We actually beat our goal and left a little early. We decided to curb check because there was a line inside. It was so easy. Security is crazy when you have two little ones, a stroller, and a carseat. They usher us through the "green circle" line which is for "beginners" or families. It actually makes it easier because we don't have to wait in line as long since we take so long.
In the Airport
The first flight was to Phoenix and it was nice. We had isle seats across from each other and neither of us had anyone sitting next to us. On the flight to Phoenix
We wished this could have been the case on one of our longer flights instead though but we were happy to start the flight out on a good note. We got to Phoenix and both the kids were sleeping. I ate and we used the internet since they have free WiFi there. I couldn't believe how easy the trip was feeling as we sat on that layover with two sleeping kids and surfing the internet. Little did I know what we were in for. On the second flight we also had isle seats across from each other. However, there were people sitting next to each of us. We had very nice people next to us though. They would pick things up off the floor for us or hold things. The lady next to Paul played with Colin a ton and even held Audrey for a minute. It made it so much easier having such helpful people around us. Not too far into the flight we realized it might be bad. There was a call for "is anyone a dr?" There was a lady who was in distress. We don't actually know what was going on with her though. We started to think about what would happen if we had to land somewhere else. However, that didn't happen. They stabilized her and we continued to fly. Later in the flight she began to have more issues and we ended up landing in Kansas City. The pilot assured us it would be a quick turn around and we would be on our way. We had about an hr and a half layover in Detroit so we began to wonder if we would make our connection. We ended up sitting on the runway in Kansas City for 2 hrs. They had issues replacing the used oxygen tanks and it took them 2 hrs to figure it out. It was miserable. It was hot and the isle filled with people waiting to use the bathroom. The kids did great through it all. Everyone who walked by commented on how beautiful Audrey is and all her hair. Colin continued to play with Paul and the lady sitting next to them. We got meals from the flight attendants so Colin could have some food. He really enjoyed the fruit, cracker, cheese plate and I ate a sandwich. We finally arrived in Detroit at 11pm. We were supposed to be to Elmira at 11 so we obviously missed our connection. They directed us to the Delta help desk which was halfway down terminal A. We were able to use the computer to print up vouchers for food and hotel for the night and we were booked on a flight out at 1030am. The hotel they had us booked at was a Best Western and it had a bus to come pick us up. We started to head outside when Paul decided he wanted to check out the Westin at the airport and maybe just stay there. It ended up being more out of the way than I thought and I told him to never-mind we'd just go where they were paying for it.
We got to the hotel and checked into two adjoining rooms. We had to buy diapers at 10 for $10, travel mouthwash for $2.50 and travel deodorant for $4.50. They don't let you bring your toiletries on board and then it costs you a ton if you get stuck somewhere. From now on we'll bring more in our carry on. The hotel didn't seem like a bad place. Audrey and I took one room and Paul and Colin in the other. Colin had a hard time going to sleep and didn't do so until 1am. He slept on a bed. I put Audrey on the 2nd bed in my room but she wouldn't sleep flat(she won't ever) so she ended up sleeping in her carseat. During the night I woke up because I thought I felt something crawl on me. I then saw bugs crawling around my bed. There were quite a few of them. It was disgusting. We found them in Audrey's bed too. We scoured Paul and Colin's beds and didn't see any in there so we all slept in that room for the next couple hrs. It was disgusting and I had a really hard time sleeping after that.
Changing Audrey's diaper on the suitcase
Colin ended up with a total of 6 hrs sleep, we got about 3. We got up early so we could get to the airport in plenty of time to make our flight. We took Colin on the train that they have in terminal A and he really liked it. He also liked the tunnel. We got to our gate just to find out it had moved. We ended up switching gates 4 times. We would just get to one and sit down when they would announce that it was moved again. We had gotten to the airport almost 2 hrs early and still didn't manage to sit for more than a minute or two before the flight took off.
In the airport
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