Here is what Audrey is up to at 5 months old.
Sleeping: It's getting there. She sleeps through the night quite a bit but definitely not every night. She will STTN 4 nights in a row and then get up twice a night for the next 4 nights. There seems to be no sense to it and I can't figure out how to get her to keep up with the sleeping. She gets up in the morning at 6:40 on weekdays and sleeps in an extra hour usually on weekends. She usually stays up close to 3 hours before her first nap and then 2 hour stretches after that. Her naps really vary in length from 30 minutes to 3 hours. She tends to have two decent naps during the day and then one little one in the evening.
Eating: I finally finished pumping, but when I stopped I had 1040 ounces of breast milk frozen. So, she will be getting breast milk for awhile. Again, she is all over the place with eating also. One day she will eat 37 ounces in a day and then the next she will eat 20 ounces. She eats every 3-4 hours during the day. You always know when she is hungry. She will be perfectly happy and suddenly start screaming and you know she's hungry.
Clothes: She is definitely filling out this month. When I weighed her she was at 13 lbs. She has made it into her 3-6 month clothes. She finally started really fitting into them this month. We've put away a good amount of the 0-3 but she still fits in a few things. She's still wearing size 2 diapers but we think we might move up after this next box.
Playtime: She LOVES her jumperoo, and loves to jump. She bounces all over in that thing. And if you are holding her she is constantly trying to bounce and jump. She's been learning to sit up. She is getting pretty close to being able to do it herself. She still needs some help and someone right there with her but she can balance herself some. She plays with all her little toys now and everything goes right to her mouth. She continues to be a really easy baby. She is always happy and only cries if she is hungry or tired. She does get bored now and will fuss a little if she wants someone to pay attention to her.
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